Another successful trip to this year’s NASSK annual gasshaku (training camp) at Camp Lokanda near Glen Spey, NY on August 26-28. After the delays from the Pandemic, this year, Mark was finally able to prepare these past months for his Yondan test (4th degree black belt) and it showed in his performance before the judging panel on Sunday morning at camp. He passed and received many complements! Sunshine was there with us to record the event. Hopefully more will be able to make it next year as it fun weekend with great training with great people. I personally appreciated the experience of teaching one of the classes along with Mitsuzuka Munehiro Sensei.

Upcoming outdoor events this Fall and Winter as the weather cools off and we leave hurricane season far behind in Houston.
♦ Weekend kenjutsu training events will once again be planned for Hermann Park.
♦ A tameshigiri event is being planned where you will have the opportunity to cut rolled straw mats. (see picture to the right).
♦ An Iaido Ikkyu Shinsa (examination) event is planned to be held in January, 2023. There are four eligible candidates currently preparing to take the exam. Wish them the best on this important step!

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